Listen Online...

When we're broadcasting, you can listen to our live stream, using our own radio player (based around Real Player). Full details, and links, are given below.
Also, you can listen again to some 'bites' from our programmes. These can be played within this page, but you may need to download* extra software - details given below.
Listen Live!
Our live stream is currently... online (sustaining service only)
When we are streaming live, you can listen via our own radio player (based on Real Player), by clicking below...
Listen Live via Our Pop-Up Radio Player
Listen Again...
Our listen again feature is now available. You can listen to a selction of audio bites from our 1997 RSL broadcast. All 'listen again' bites will play via the players embedded in this page. To 'listen again' you must have the Adobe Flash™ plugin installed on your computer. If you do not have this software, you can download* it by clicking the link below. It's free and easy to install.

Our 'listen again' feature is currently online
Test Transmission - Sun. 3rd Aug. 1997
Station Launch - 8am, Mon. 4th Aug. 1997
*We can not be held responsible for problems arising from downloading & installing third party software